Veteran Banners Available to Purchase $117.00

The city would like to offer our citizens the opportunity to purchase Veteran Flags, to honor our Service Men & Women, to be displayed throughout the city.

The cost is $117.00 per banner/flag. 

There will only be 26 slots available, thus we can only allow first come, first serve.

Below is an example of the Veteran Flag/Banner, as well as a sheet we will have available in the office to fill out at purchase.





Hometown Hero Example:              Cpl John Smith – Army


Student Example:                            Amy Daniels

Healthcare Example:                      Samuel Edwards – Physician Assistant


Veteran Information:

Full name of the person in the photo:  ______________________________________________________

Military Rank Abbreviation:  ______________________________________________________________

Branch of Military:  _____________________________________________________________________

Military Status: _______ Active Duty       ___________Veteran    __________Memorial


****NOTE: Please double check that all information is printed clearly and spelled correctly****


Applicant Information:

Name of person submitting photo:  ________________________________________________________

Relationship to Hometown Hero:  _________________________________________________________

Phone Number:  _______________________________________________________________________

Address:  _____________________________________________________________________________

Email:  _______________________________________________________________________________

_______________________________________                _________________


Signature                                                                                            Date