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Public Works Schedule for Garbage Collections High Shoals, NC

Collections begin at 6:30am (Tuesday mornings unless on a Holiday Schedule).

Citizens are asked to have their garbage out by 6:00am on this day. **Not having your can at the end of the road, results in not being picked up, we cannot make extra trips to pick up cans that weren't out.

Each home is provided one (1) 95-gallon garbage can by the City @ $12.00 per month; a second can is available upon request at a charge $10.00- $12.00 per month (depending on size).

We do not collect paint cans unless filled with dirt or sand.

Food or any other spoilable items should be inside plastic bags.

Cans need lids to prevent animals from pulling out garbage.

Please do not dispose of used needles without being properly disposed of.

We do not pick up televisions or computers.

We do not pick up behind fences.

We do not rake up/pick up yards if trash is left out where animals may scatter it back into the yards.

We do not pick up any hazardous materials.

We do not pick up contracted work.

We do not pick up C/D (construction/demolition)

We do not pick up tires with rims – rims must be removed.

All material, whether it is brush, white goods (metal), C/D (construction/demolition) or garbage must be separated or will not be picked up.

When a homeowner does not live in the house but is repairing and/or remodeling the house in order to rent or sale; the City will not be responsible for the pick-up of the debris, and the flatbed cannot be used for this purpose.

Containers Must have the City's Logo, any other cans aren't in regulation and therefore, will NOT be collected.

Roadside Pick-up/Bulk

Once a month (1st Monday of the month) is our bulk pickup/roadside day. There is a fee added to your bill if this is utilized. Depending upon the cost (weight) at the landfill determines how much is billed out.